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Understanding Plus Size Fashion Segments

As fashion plus size evolves into a recognized and (soon-to-be) respected segment in style, so do the quirks and nuances of style itself as it pertains to a plus extent. Ten years ago, you saw…



Minor Cosmetic Procedures That Can Restore Your Confidence

As we age, so do our bodies. The gradual wear and tear that appears from head to toe can slowly erode confidence, affect self-esteem, and inevitably lead to a negative impression about oneself. Thankfully, science,…

Skin Care Ingredients You Need to Avoid

You can see skincare products everywhere these days. They promise different benefits to your skin. For most people, anti-aging is the essential skin care product to look for since everyone wants to stay young and…

10 Minute Beauty Routine For Getting Ready In a Hurry

Not all of us have the luxury of taking a full hour or two to look like a movie star. Between errands, family, social life, and to-do’s, life can be one big rush hour. Therefore,…



Mad Games Tycoon Review

After spending my whole Sunday on this game, I want to share my Mad Games Tycoon experience with you. Here, you can find gameplay information and Mad Games Tycoon tips. You start your game producer…

Wonders Board Game Review

Some games are simple yet innovative, becoming instant hits the moment they hit the market. 7 Wonders is one of them. With many awards already won, let’s see what makes this game unique. Game Overview…
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